Lower back pain is extremely common. From office workers to those working in the field, there is a risk of the lower back being injured due to poor ergonomics, repetitive stress and impactful injuries.
Fortunately, you can make a workers’ compensation claim for a lower back injury if you’re hurt. If you got hurt on the job or your job has exacerbated your symptoms, then you may be able to get compensated and take time to focus on your recovery.
What should you expect from making a workers’ compensation claim?
If you are injured, you should consider making a claim through workers’ compensation. This insurance program provides you with medical care and, in some cases, cash benefits to help you take care of yourself after an injury. As a no-fault program, you don’t have to show that your employer was responsible for your injuries. Instead, you just have to show that the injuries are linked to employment.
Workers’ compensation covers your entire treatment, so long as the treatments are medically necessary. Whether you go to an urgent care clinic or follow up with your physician, those medical appointments should be covered. Additionally, if you miss enough work, then your time off should be covered, too.
Sometimes, workers’ compensation can help you train for a new role if the old one is too painful to continue. Alternatively, if you can’t return to work, workers’ compensation may cover your financial needs until you move on to disability benefits.
How do you get workers’ compensation for a lower back injury?
You can get workers’ compensation through your employer if you’ve been hurt on the job. You will need to apply for compensation by talking to your employer about your injuries and filing your claim.
If your employer attempts to prevent you from filing a claim or you file a claim and it is denied, you do have a right to appeal that decision or to work with your attorney to make sure you can file your claim as allowed by law. Your injuries may be tired to long, demanding hours on the job, and it is only fair that you get an opportunity to seek compensation.