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What damages can you collect in an auto accident claim?

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2024 | Auto Accidents |

Every year, millions of families suffer from serious losses after auto accidents. Many of these families do not recover financially and physically from their injuries, leading to life-long consequences. After an auto accident, families should be aware of the compensation they can collect.

Several types of damages can be recovered with a successful auto accident claim. Here is what you should know:

Medical damages

The most common form of compensation that can be recovered with an auto accident claim is the victim’s medical expenses. Many victims of auto accidents suffer from serious injuries — and even minor injuries can lead to medical debt. A successful claim could help victims afford surgery, long-term health care, medication, future medical costs and physical therapy. 

Lost wages

Many victims of auto accidents struggle to work because of their injuries. When victims lose their source of income as they recover from their medical conditions, they may not be able to pay for their rent, utilities, food, debts and other bills. An auto accident claim can help families by rewarding victims with lost wage damages. 

Wrongful death

In a severe auto accident, victims may suffer a wrongful death. A successful claim could reward victims with damages for funeral costs and other expenses as a result of losing a loved one. 

Pain and suffering

Victims may suffer from chronic pain, psychological conditions and depression after an auto accident. These issues can affect victims for the rest of their lives. Damages for pain and suffering can also be collected in an auto accident case.

Legal guidance can help victims explore their legal options when pursuing damages after an auto accident. 

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