Premier Workers' Compensation And
Personal Injury Representation

Is construction the most dangerous industry? 

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

Workers need to be aware of their risks, and those risks certainly vary depending on the industry they work in. In many respects, the construction industry is one of the most dangerous in the United States, consistently leading to the highest total number of fatal workplace accidents each year. The majority of these fatalities are caused by falls, such as workers falling from ladders, roofs or other elevated positions.

But does this mean construction is the most dangerous industry to work in? That depends on how you analyze the statistics.

The highest fatality rate

In terms of total fatalities, construction ranks at the top of all industries in the United States. However, if you instead examine the fatal accident rate — the number of workers who die in workplace accidents per capita — other industries emerge as more dangerous.

For example, some reports indicate that industries such as hunting, fishing, forestry and agriculture have the highest fatality rates. Like construction, these industries often involve physically demanding work, much of which takes place outdoors, leading to inherent risks.

The key difference lies in the size of the workforce. Millions of people are employed in the construction industry, so the total number of fatalities is naturally higher. In contrast, the forestry industry employs a much smaller workforce. As a result, fewer people lose their lives in forestry-related workplace accidents, but the fatality rate is significantly higher, making it a more dangerous industry per capita.

Understanding workplace risks

Regardless of how the statistics are interpreted, it’s evident that workers face severe risks across various industries. Those who have been injured or who have lost loved ones in workplace accidents should take the time to understand their legal rights and options.


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