There are likely never two similar days on the job if you’re a firefighter. While the unpredictability of your job may intrigue you, it can also put you at risk of serious injuries.
Burns among firefighters aren’t uncommon. You may find it helpful to understand the difference between the various types of burns and the prognosis victims may face.
How do the different types of burn injuries compare?
There are four degrees of burns, ranging from mild to severe depending on how much the burn affects the skin and its underlying tissue:
- First-degree burns are the least severe and superficial and just affect the epidermis layer of the skin. Those types of burns typically leave patients with pain, redness and mild swelling.
- Second-degree burns have a superficial partial-thickness and affect both the dermis and papillary regions of the skin. Patients who suffer this type of burn often have blisters, pain, severe swelling and splotchy skin.
- Third-degree burns have deep partial thickness. These burns affect both the dermis and reticular regions of an individual’s skin. These burns often appear white and leathery yet are relatively painless.
- Fourth-degree burns have a full-thickness, which means that it leaves the hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue severely damaged. It’s not uncommon for individuals with this most severe type of burn to have significant charring of their skin.
Individuals who suffer third to fourth-degree burns on 15% or more of their bodies are most vulnerable to infection, scarring, nerve damage and other severe, adverse outcomes if they fail to see a doctor quickly following their injuries.
California law requires almost every employer to provide workers’ compensation and other benefits to their workers to cover their costs if a workplace accident occurs. An attorney can help make certain that you receive everything you are due after an injury.