Several things often occur in rapid succession when someone gets hurt on the job. Most companies have clear policies that require immediate response to an incident on the clock. A supervisor likely puts together a report after talking to the worker and other...
Month: March 2024
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Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to get workers’ comp?
In a very real way, immigrants built this nation – and they continue to be a vital part of the U.S. workforce. In California, immigrants make up fully one-third of the state’s workforce, and they’re critical in many industries, from farming to health care. What...
Why you should not wait to file a California workers’ compensation claim
After a workplace injury, you may be tempted to put off reporting it. At first, you may not think it is that bad, or you could be concerned about inconveniencing your employer. Unfortunately, if you wait to report a workplace accident, several issues may arise that...